An Entrepreneur Jumps the Fence

I’ve been enjoying reading Sam Radford’s first-person blog lately. His short, punchy articles have sparked new thoughts on my writing, career, and life. Here’s what’s new:

Recently I’ve been applying to corporate jobs in marketing, finance, and strategy. Considering my entrepreneurial heart, that might be a surprise to many of my more enterprising clients and friends.

But here’s the thing: corporations need pioneering, innovative thinkers to inject a spirit of inventiveness and continuous improvement into their firms. And small businesses also need managerial masterminds from large corporations to establish the structure and organization that helps them grow into big companies, too.

We often see entrepreneurs and employees as two warring tribes – but they’re not. In reality, the best leaders are those who can shift seamlessly between big corporations and small companies while sharing the experience, perspective, and wisdom gained from each. To maximize my growth – professionally and personally – it’s time for me to make the jump. Yours too?